The Resilient Rock

I want to love you
Though the distance burdens me.
Our intellects melted,
Attracted to each other.
I see you do need me
As a rock to hold on to.
And I receive your waves
As they crash on me.
Yet I do not mind the erosion
For I am pure resilience
When I feel your waters
Of poetry and high intellect
Penetrate my porous skin.
I breathe the air deeply
Sense each and every word
And the thoughts you send me.
I feel our complicity
Through the waves
Of the digital world.
But you are miles away
And in my seas of absence
I long for your presence.
I want to listen to you,
To see and touch you.
I just wonder if you would ever
Reciprocate my feelings.
If I traveled through the ocean
Of reality and not of fantasy,
What would happen?
Would I face a new rejection?
Would I be ready for it?
Is it really just me who wishes
To have this love fulfilled
Even if it were for the shortest
Of all moments?
One way or another
This resilient rock always awaits
Your poetry lines, your thoughts
That warm my shivering soul.

© 2016-2019 Marta Pombo Sallés

35 thoughts on “The Resilient Rock

  1. Beautifully penned Marta expressing the longing for one separated by long distance, shall I say, platonic love.

    “Would I face a new rejection?” – suggests subtly a physical relationship before, I assume.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, the poem could refer to that or to another previous infatuation that led to rejection before this new one. I am glad it is left to various interpretations. Thank you for this great comment, Pranab.

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  2. To yearn for a persons love from mere words that touch one’s heart is magical, and to have one share their intimacy with you ‘That warm my shivering soul’ is what love is all about. I love how you sum it up in the end. Beautifully penned.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. What I particularly love about this piece is that it expresses a kind of longing that is particular to our digital age. So many of our interactions with others are now remote and virtual. It leaves you wanting for a greater intimacy- one that is rarely reached without meeting in person! Well done.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Marta, this is a beautiful poem. it expresses everything that a long-distance love is. we are so confined to our cells and internet, that we often forget the love that sprouts on ‘actually’ meeting.

    i usually wonder that what happened to the times when we used to write letters? when a guy would attach flowers to your hair? the time when you could dance on slow romantic songs? what happened?

    your poem gave words to my thoughts.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. This is a great comment, Preksha! Thank you for your insight and thoughtful words. Yes, the digital era and internet communication have changed and are changing human relationships at all levels. Now we seldom write love letters and postcards. Emails, whatsapp messages and social media make us go much faster and that quick pace leaves less time for pause and reflective thought. I agree with you that romanticism needs slowness. However, I think romantic dancing and attaching flowers to the beloved person are still happening.

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