
Llac de Banyoles copy

With ebbs and flows
like sea and lake waters
the ground was trembling,
magnificent earthquake
confidence was at stake.
Wanted to do your best
so never felt at rest
you are too self-demanding
so confidence faded.
Too much self-exigency
leave me please, let me be
tell it now.
That parent, sister, brother,
that relative of yours
or that good friend or lover
if not, the teacher you had
someone said: great, keep up
or someone said, instead,
I think you have no talent
you will not earn a living
you are now wasting your time.
Your confidence fluctuating.
Ghosts of self-exigency
ghosts of negative people
let them vanish.
Hateful comparisons,
like storms amid the sea
till everything seems awash,
like strong winds on Earth
till each house looks swept,
mercilessly taken.
What light dwells in your soul
what thoughts in your mind
this is not to be disregarded,
disrespected or dismissed.
From your uniqueness, your creation
comes as a true revelation.
Let the ghosts of comparison
fade away from the sea
from the land you inhabit.
As the sun shines on you
so will confidence.


© June 2016 Marta Pombo Sallés


16 thoughts on “Confidence

  1. Loved this. We just need that one person to tip the cup of self-confidence our way. A teacher in high school planted the seed for me. I didn’t write immediately but years later. The idea was still there waiting for me.

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  2. Absolutely beautiful! I do think you wrote this for me. It’s what I needed to hear right now. The ghosts of the past are going to stay there, in the past. I will not allow them to affect my present. Just for today I am okay. I am okay just for today. God bless!

    Liked by 1 person

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