My Breathing into the World

My breathing into the world
collapsed two years ago when
our common lights and desires
were smashed against the darkness
of prison cells and constant repression.
An army of police could seize the ballots,
beat us up, we peaceful voters,
we would fall but stand up again:
1 d’Octubre, ni oblit ni perdó,
October 1, no oblivion, no reprieve
for those who strangle democracy.
Today I went lightwriting again,
inside my brain a hoard of photographs,
and one of the most beautiful was
the magic mountain of Montserrat
embellished by 131 points of light,
on each peak stood a tribute
to our 131 Catalan presidents,
on each peak a sliver of hope
for our breathing into the world.

© 2016-2019 Marta Pombo Sallés

25 thoughts on “My Breathing into the World

  1. I am only vaguely aware of the Catalan history. Thanks for the education.
    Ideally the best solution is to have no borders, no nationalities, no religion to divide man kind. But alas, that’s a pipe dream.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Pranab, the point is we need to respect each other within diversity. You cannot dispossess different people of what characterizes them. Each person, each people on earth have different nationalities, religions, beliefs, skin color, language, gender and sexual orientations. None of the above mentioned should ever be used as tools by any ruling minority to abuse others. Therefore, anything that goes against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is unacceptable.

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      1. Wish we can meet someday to discuss this. History have shown again and again politics trumping human rights. Is it right? Definitely not. Many signatory nations to UNHRC have committed worst human rights violations but have they been punished?

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I remember visiting Monsterrat in my younger days. It’s so full of history and natural beauty, but when the awe has faded is when we can begin to absorb the pain of history which makes this location so great. I believe there will be a one day when wrongs will be righted until then we need to keep the memories alive. Another day etched in history, 1st October.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Newton. Today is a sad day. Our peaceful leaders of Catalonia’s proindependence movement and our democratically elected politicians have been condemned up to 13 years in prison for sedition. Where is the sedition here if there was never any violence from the Catalan side? Obviously, the Spanish state has created and is creating a factory of fake news. They have also imprisoned 7 common citizens accused of invented terrorism. One of them is totally isolated in a prison cell since September 23, has had no possibility to speak with a lawyer, has no light in the cell and is taken outside in the last turn for dinner eating only the leftovers. Today is indeed a sad day, but also the starting point for a series of intensified NVDA (Non Violent Direct Actions). We are taking the streets peacefully and practicing civil disobedience whenever necessary. There is no other way.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I’m so sorry to hear the incident, Marta. We hear the same sad tale everywhere. If people can understand how so strange, so short, so meaningless this life is, they will start fighting together to win this life instead of denying others’ right to live.

        Liked by 2 people

  3. A painful piece which reminds us of the griwing intolerance which blights our world. In one way we must all support the struggle hopegul that, by resisting the oppressors, we can all learn tolerance. Sad thing is, I feel, that all too often worthy causes are usurped by those with their own agendas.
    My thoughts join yours.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Chris. I am very appreciative of your support and of the other bloggers’ here. As I have just told Newton we, the people in Catalonia, are starting intensified massive nonviolent actions from now on.

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  4. I am especially taken by your concept of ‘lightwriting’, Marta, which I think is the symbolic kernel of your call for peaceful protest. It is such a beautiful image- using your words as a positive force to forge change. My heart and mind are with you and with Catalunya.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much for your comforting words, Ursula. The majority of us are peaceful people, but the Spanish state is a constant factory of fake news. We have to keep going a long and hard way with sacrifices if we want to defend freedom, civil rights and democracy. Our movement is unstoppable now and is taking the direction of nonviolent revolutions similar to what people like Mahatma Gandhi, Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, etc., did.

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