I Just Met A Turtle

I just met a turtle in the park.

It was on the way

Not where its mates

Usually are,

Near the lake


It was solitary.

I figured out it spoke

To me.

Told me to slow down.

And so I sat

As words began to dance

In flight

Carrying a smell of pine trees,

Rosemary and lavender.

Like butterfly wings

Fluttering in the wind

They intertwined

And slowly began

To land on my paper

One by one.

I pulled my thread,

Took the needle

And began to sow

One after the other.

A word weaver

Just like my friend


And all the others.

I just met a turtle.

© March 2019 Marta Pombo Sallés

68 thoughts on “I Just Met A Turtle

  1. You have an incredible luck to have friends among the animals. They have no verbal ability but you have managed to give them the words to weave your verses in a fantasy to enjoy it to the greatest. Good for you.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Marta, you have written such a beautiful poem. This poem gives me a sense of happiness.

    This particular turtle which the poet meets, also which is ‘solitary’ symbolizes(to me) about the different shades in each person’s choices and how every one of them is pretty.

    This particular turtle’s words are dancing and I admire the olfactory imagery employed in the line,

    ‘Carrying a smell of pine trees
    Rosemary and lavender’

    I like how words flutter in the wind and then they interwind and then landed on the poet’s paper and every line after this is so happily written.

    And while ending you remind us again of the turtle from where the poem started.

    Marta, this poem ACTUALLY made my day! I love reading your poems. 😁

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I’m moving into my daughter’s home in a town in another county as I cannot afford to rent on my own any longer due to the increases in rent as I no longer work and am on Social Security. It’s a fixed income and as I have a heart condition I decided moving into her home was my best option at this time. I am hoping it will work out.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. You have a way with words, weaving into a persons soul, even with no words. I also loved the use of a turtle as the animal. A slow mover, never in a rush. Understanding the meaning of life with the smell of flora, beauty with butterflies and the magic of it all when word appeared on paper. Well penned a beautiful read.

    Liked by 1 person

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